Friday, February 3, 2012


What we did:
In class this week, we teamed up with partners and were assigned a Web 2.0 tool to research and create wikis for our classmates to view! The class as a whole created a wiki and then each pair of partners created separate pages for their Web 2.0 tools.

What I liked:
I like the fact that it is so easy to collaborate in wikis. Whether you are working with just a partner or the entire class is posting on the wiki, everyone can do it from their own homes and at their own pace. It is also helpful to be able to leave comments so that you can communicate back and forth while you are working on the wiki. I also liked that being an administrator of the wiki gives you the power to monitor editing and revisions of the wiki, which allows you to control any cyber bullying that might occur in the classroom and also protect your students’ privacy.

What I did not like:
I thought it was very difficult at first figuring out how to insert pages, link pages, insert videos, etc. The way that you have to type words and then go to the sidebar to find what you are trying to link is a bit tricky. I also did not like how you have to steal the lock from each other to try and edit the pages.

What I would change:
I would create an easier way to upload links and pictures to the wiki. It is always hard for me to remember what tabs to click on to upload the links. I think wiki has too many different tabs and it would be more user-friendly if everything was laid out in a simpler template where all links, tabs, and upload options were shown on one main page.

Classroom Use:
Wikis are a great resource that both students and teachers can use in the classroom. They can be used for collaborative team projects, creating a classroom “about me” site with different pages for each student, etc. 

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