Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Below is an example of the flipchart that I created using ActivInspire. This is intended for a 2nd grade classroom when learning about money and how to count up to $1.00.

What I liked:
I loved the ability to create these flipcharts so that the children can interact with the material. I can see how my students would love the opportunity to come to the front of the class and do the various activities. I liked how many resources are available to use and also how many different options there are for each individual object on the pages.

What I did not like:
I did not like how I continuously had to keep clicking on the page to "reset" the pointer and avoid adding multiple text boxes or accidentally moving my objects that were already on the page.

What I would change:
I would make it so that anything you do in Design mode is automatically locked down. It would make it much easier than having to automatically lock down each individual item. For the parts that you want the students to be able to move, you could just individually make those moveable.

Classroom Use:
The main use for this flipchart in the classroom would be for students to be able to interact with the content during a lesson. They would be allowed to use the smart board and manipulate parts of the presentation in order to further their learning!

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