Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Classroom Website

What I liked:
I really liked that you could easily select a pre-made template. This made the website look great before I even got started on it! I also liked how easy it was to find the buttons to edit and insert links and pictures and things like that. This is helpful when you want to focus more on the content rather than the process of how to get the content onto the site.

What I did not like:
I did not like that sometimes when I inserted links, they showed up as the color of an already visited link, even though I had not clicked on that link yet. Even though I know when someone else looks at the site it will look normal, it was still distracting to me that the links on the pages did not look uniform. I also did not like that when editing the side bar, the text boxes simply said "text box" and you could not tell what you were editing until you actual clicked into it.

What I would change:
I do not think that I would change much about google sites. I thought it was very well laid out and user friendly. If I had to change anything, I might make it more "blog-like" so that you could more easily move around the items in the side bar and such (like a click and drag item or adding gadgets type of thing).

Classroom Use:
This website will be a great resource to use in the classroom. Students and parents can both access the site to see classroom policies, neat things we are creating in class, updates from me, contact information, etc. This is such an efficient way to keep the parents updated on their child's educations without having to waste paper and send home letters multiple times a week.

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